JUNE is Men’s Health Month

KTHC is promoting #MensHealthMonth in June!  In collaboration with SPTHB, our goal is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among …


In honor of Alcoholism Awareness Month, today KTHC’s Behavioral Health Grant Staff are partnering up to promote safety and sobriety to Meeker High School juniors and seniors before their prom. …

Pictures with the Easter Bunny

On Thursday, April 18th, the Easter Bunny came out and took pictures with 158 members of our community.  Our Behavioral Health staff gave out Easter eggs, health information, and goodies.  …

Happy Halloween

 KTHC is greeting kiddos from Kickapoo Child Care and Kickapoo Headstart; it’s a treat for us to see all their beautiful smiles. Happy Halloween!